Projects and Activities

Dietetic interns must complete and turn in all assignments, projects, and presentations thoroughly, effectively, and promptly.

  1. Each dietetic intern will be given homework assignments or projects to be completed for each rotation. The intern is to discuss each assignment's format and due date with the preceptor on the first day of the rotation.  All interns should read the required readings for each rotation before the start date of that rotation. The supervising preceptor may also assign additional readings during the rotation.  
  2. The assignment must be completed and turned in to the preceptor promptly in the format requested. Preceptors will review the due dates for each of the assignments.  If this is not done, the intern must ask the preceptor about the exact due date for each assignment.  (Most assignments should be typed unless otherwise specified.  All papers or literature reviews must be typed.)  Interns are expected to do all their own typing or word processing for their assignments.
  3. The preceptor is expected to review and evaluate each assignment promptly.  The interns should be evaluated, and all assignments should be returned before the end of the rotation.
  4.  Interns are expected to complete all their homework assignments and projects during off hours and not during the rotation period unless this is expressly discussed with the preceptor or written in the syllabus.   Rotation time is part of the Accreditation Council on Education for Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) required 1000 “supervised practice hours” and is not for homework or additional reading.  Projects, however, may be deemed part of “supervised practice” and may be done during rotation time, as permitted by the individual preceptor, and when all rotation activities are completed.

During the internship program, the dietetic interns will participate in various community presentations, general company presentations and in-services, and designated departmental activities.

  • Dietetic interns are expected to prepare and present community presentations during their rotation. Potential presentations include:
    • Virtual teaching kitchen based on community needs
    • Nutrition training for site associates and staff
  • Each intern is expected to develop and/or select appropriate materials for his/her presentations. This may involve developing presentation materials, handouts, recipe sheets, and/or a recipe/cooking demonstration.
  • Interns must present in-services to food service employees or hospital staff, as appropriate, within the individual rotations.  The appropriate manager and/or preceptor will evaluate the intern's performance during the rotation.